Why Pets Are Good For Kids


“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France 

There are pet families and no-pet families. To have a pet or not is completely optional but let’s admit it, it’s a lot more fun with pets in the house, isn’t it? And when you have young children or even toddlers with pets around them, it’s even more fun. It’s not just great to watch them live harmoniously together but it’s beautiful to see them love each other and become inseparable in some cases.

Now, why is it said that it’s good to bring a pet into families with children? There are some well-intentioned theories behind this approach. 

Positive impact
Nothing like a home filled with a child’s giggles. And pets can provide that to children. When kids look at pets rolling over or playing by themselves, it’s entertaining and funny. We suspect pets get a kick out of it, too. All this can only lead to a positive ambiance at home. It is also said that pets help reduce stress and anxiety among children. Which in turn helps children stay positive.

Physical activity
More and more parents are worried about their children not getting enough physical activity because of gadgets and screens taking precedence over any kind of physical activity. Pets help kids run around and play till everyone’s exhausted! A good workout for the family, particularly the little ones, for sure.

Emotional intelligence
At an early age children begin to process emotions when there are pets in their life. Be it happiness, sadness, dealing with illness, and even death – children get to experience a range of emotions with pets in their life. To care for and love another being can teach your kids compassion and empathy as well.

From relieving stress to having a sense of security, pets offer a lot to humans. To be able to have such deep and meaningful experiences will help children develop their personalities in a healthy way. Pets are known to help children a great deal in coping with difficult days.

Personality development
Pets may not be able to converse with you but they go a long way in building self-confidence, self-expression, and self-esteem in your kids. Children with pets are more likely to grow up with a stronger sense of self. Especially, for kids without siblings, pets fill up that empty space of one. Pets become family and children have that comfort.

Dealing with grief
The passing of a pet will always be one of the most trying events for a family. It is traumatic and requires the family to come together to heal. And it is a time for children to learn, process, and deal with loss of a loved one.

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